remote scribe

On-Site or Remote Scribe: The Pros and Cons of Each

Medical scribes provide valuable assistance to healthcare providers in all types of settings. Primarily responsible for entering data into electronic health records (EHRs), medical scribes can work either on-site or remotely, documenting patient encounters so that doctors have more time for their other duties, especially actual, clinical care. If you’re considering a position as a medical scribe, take a look at the similarities and differences between — as well as the pros and cons of — on-site vs. remote scribe work:

On-site Scribe 

Both on-site and remote scribes assist medical providers by taking over much of the clerical tasks associated with modern healthcare. Their popularity has grown since the adoption of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996, which established guidelines that made the capture and maintenance of medical data a priority for all medical providers. As it became apparent that doctors and other medical personnel were spending a great deal of time updating their EHRs in order to comply with this law, many administrators made the decision to bring in help, hiring medical scribes to assume responsibility for much of the data entry that is demanded by modern healthcare so that physicians and other healthcare providers could focus more fully on other parts of their jobs. On-site scribes (vs. remote scribes) work alongside providers in a shared physical setting.


  • Since on-site scribes work directly alongside healthcare professionals, many feel themselves to be an integral part of a patient’s medical team.
  • The variety of working in a healthcare setting means no two days are the same, keeping on-site scribes always engaged.
  • Working hours are usually predictable.


  • Working on-site requires more planning and a more versatile wardrobe.
  • There is less flexibility regarding the hours worked since a typical working day is usually set.

Remote Scribe

Remote scribes receive similar training and perform the same type of duties as on-site scribes. However, instead of working in an actual healthcare setting, a remote scribe works virtually, dialing in on a secure server from his or her own home or remote office space to listen to and document patient encounters.


  • Many remote scribes enjoy the freedom of working from home (or remote location) without direct interaction with colleagues.
  • There is flexibility in working hours since physical presence at a job site is not required.
  • No risk of germ exposure.


  • There are fewer opportunities for in-depth relationship-building when working virtually.

Want to Learn More?

Working as either an on-site or remote scribe is a wonderful way to gain valuable experience in the healthcare sector. To learn more about the duties all scribes perform, as well as the differences between working in-person and virtually, please contact Provider’s Choice Scribe Services. Our comprehensive training program, coupled with our ongoing administrative management, means our scribes are fully prepared for and supported in their positions as medical scribes, whether they work on-site or remotely. The choice to work as either one is really just up to your own schedule and preference!

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